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[Polyfractal Animations] My Doctor's Forbidden Love

Upload: 06 Aug 2023, 14:13
Created by: polyfractal [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[Polyfractal Animations] My Doctor's Forbidden Love

The hallmark of my animations consistently has audible crying. I release a new single animation every three weeks. If you want early access downloads to my many more animations, please support my hard work at Patreon.

For more previews, please visit my Patreon page (I upload a new animation every week there). I am creating sexual animations between a doctor and patient. All animations are provided for free eventually.  

Released Animations (2) - Patreon Animations (4) - Coming Animations (25)

1) Crying on His Lap (office chair, teasing) 2) Touching My Chest (double bed, teasing) 3) Sleep on Me Sweetheart (double bed, teasing) 4) Rubbing My Heart (lounge chair, teasing) 5) Sit on Lap Genital (office chair, teasing) 6) Being Bathed by Him (normal bathtub, teasing) 7) The Kiss of Depression (sofa, teasing) 8 Traumatized Position Crying (floor, teasing) 9) Kissing Side Neck (sofa, teasing) 10) Sucking Foot (sofa, footjob) 11) Floor Rape (floor, vaginal) 12) Held by His Waist (window, teasing) 13) Crying on His Knees (lounge chair, teasing) 14) His Gentle Touch (double bed, handjob) 15) Visiting His Hospital (get to work EP hospital sign, teasing) 16) Hospital Bed Rape (get to work EP exam bed, vaginal) 17) Hospital Drip Rape (get to work EP hospital drip, vaginal) 18) Licking My Chest (double bed, oraljob) 19) Toilet Restraints Rape (toilet, vaginal) 20) Seclusion Room Fapping (get to work EP security door, handjob) 21) Eating Trash Bowl (cats & dogs EP pet bowl, teasing) 22) Shrugging Shoulder Dance (floor, teasing) 23) Popping Heart Dance (floor, teasing) 24) Seductive Curve Dance (floor, teasing) 25) Crawling to Him (lounge chair, teasing) 26) Touching My Hand (hospital stretcher, teasing) 27) Hospital Shower Rape (hospital shower, vaginal) 28) My Doctor Licks Me (hospital bed, oraljob) 29) My Doctor Holding Wheelchair (wheelchair, teasing) 30) Surgery Blind Rape (surgery bed, vaginal) 31) Feeling My Scars (custom hospital bed, teasing)

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