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Banshee Queen  

Upload: 23 Sep 2022, 13:09
Created by: Arcueid-Gray Sage [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Banshee Queen

Adds a new boss zombie, Banshee Queen.  Server-side only - Players do not need to download!  She currently shows up rarely at night and starts to appear in screamer and bloodmoon hordes after gamestage 100 (increasingly so as your gamestage approaches 1000).  You may want to change how hard she hits, how much life she has, and what her rewards are in order to fit your specific server, but she has some devastating aoe abilities so make sure you prepare for how to best handle the encounter and live to tell the tale!

We have a ton of other unique monsters on our BlewBarry Farms 7d2d server and we may release more for the community in the coming months!  Come see what we have if you don't want to wait!!

Clear Skies - Weather of the Apocalypse 1KB

Clear Skies - Weather of the Apocalypse

11 Oct 2022

I got tired of it raining five times a day in my game. So I fixed it. Less chance of inclement weather and overall adjustment to fog. Added slight fog to clear weather so that mountains in the very far distance get a little haze, and greatly reduced the amount of fog in other weather.

H7SB Workstations

H7SB Workstations

01 Oct 2022

H7SB Workstations is a server-side mod that contains some new (oven,toaster&more) and colored variants of all vanilla workstations. This mod has additional modules that can be optionally activated.

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