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Clear Skies - Weather of the Apocalypse  

Upload: 11 Oct 2022, 13:48
Created by: BluemaxDR [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.01
Clear Skies - Weather of the Apocalypse

I got tired of it raining five times a day in my game. So first thing I did was search on Nexus to see if someone had already fixed this problem. The only thing I found was Less Fog in Snow Biome  by Deadite and OpethEthereal. And while that mod was great, it was not quite what I was looking for.

So I fixed it. Less chance of inclement weather and overall adjustment to fog. Added slight fog to clear weather so that mountains in the very far distance get a little haze, and greatly reduced the amount of fog in other weather. Storms are still pretty thick, but "clear" weather is actually a lot clearer.

All feedback is welcome.

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