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Rosefyre's Classes  

Upload: 22 Sep 2022, 16:10
Created by: Rosefyre [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Rosefyre's Classes

Requires Firearms Expansion 4

Rosefyre's Classes was inspired by my friends and I using Valmod last time we played 7 Days regularly (about two years ago now) and enjoying the class system present since we usually played on tiny servers of three to four people at most and habitually specialized in certain aspects of the game.

A friend and I recently got it in our heads to play some 7 Days and missed the class system, so we dug up a version that worked with A20 but figured it was...a bit much. We wanted some challenge to still be present, and gathering 5k wood for max Strength, five ranks of Miner 69'er and Pack Mule, and 40 free points seemed a bit excessive to us. Additionally, I felt like the way the points and starting gear were given out could be a bit more elegant, so I started poking around the xml files to figure out how bundles worked and took a peek at Valmods class quests to figure out how perk levels were awarded there as a starting point to making my own class mod. This is the result of neglecting food and sleep for about 12 hours two nights in a row trying to figure out why certain things weren't working and two separate versions of how to give players perk and attribute levels.

Currently, there are 11 classes to choose from (with a couple of classes having some overlap), and a matching gear bundle to go with them. When you spawn into a new world, you will the new Starting Gear item. Simply use this to craft the class gear bundle you want.

Another issue that I personally had with the old class system was that there was no way of knowing exactly what attributes/perks you would be getting from the class until you finished the 3-step questline and used the item that granted them to you. So, in order to attempt to rectify that, each class book/gear bundle has an exact list of perks you gain from the class that you can check before crafting the book itself. Balance-wise I tried to keep each class at only 10 points worth of perks, though the Medic class has 11 points worth (but they are almost exclusively designed for group-play).
Gear-wise, each class with a combat skill has the Tier-1 version of the weapon you unlock at rank 1 of the skill (with a weapon mod included for anyone that has two ranks in the skill), each class with an armor skill has the Tier-1 version of the associated armor, tool skills (Salvage Operations, Huntsman, etc) have the Tier-1 version of the required tools, and non-combat classes have a Pipe Pistol (with the exception of the Chef, who has a Hunting Knife). Non-Combat classes also tend to have some thematic items as well, such as the Builder getting a pile of wood blocks, Mechanic getting a head start on their first vehicle, and Chef getting a pile of food and beverages.

I'm not too sure about the actual balance of things (especially the gear packs) so any feedback would be nice, and I'll try to remember to check back and make tweaks based on that.

If using Firearm Expansion 4 there is a version that replaces the Gunner's starting ammo with 5.56mm Rounds from that mod.

Darkness Falls (A20)

Darkness Falls (A20)

13 Jun 2022
1 829

This is a mod I originally created to fix a few "issues" myself, my wife and some friends felt the game had. Turns out I really enjoy modding so I've expanded on it quite a bit.

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