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Electricity Overhaul (A20)  

Upload: 13 Oct 2022, 21:05
Created by: ocbMaurice [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Electricity Overhaul (A20)

Requires OCB Remote Description 


This mod uses BepInEx to patch some dlls before the game is actually loaded. For this to work, we need to install a few files into the game folder itself. When you install (into the `Mods` folder) and run this Mod for the first time, it will try to copy the files and the main Game Menu will probably be scrambled/broken since the game dlls couldn't been patched yet. Just restart the game once after the first install and everything should start working; on linux you will now need to start the game via `./`  or `./`. There is a BepInEx folder in this mod, from where some files need to be copied into main game folder (there are batch files there to do this manually). This is automatically done when the mod detects that BepInEx is missing (it checks for a expected new field). If the copy attempt fails, the game will never start correctly. In that case you probably have some other permission issues or need to delete this mod from the `Mods` folder to get a working game back (if nothing else works, check this mod folder directory for an uninstall.bat to remove BepInExp files from the Game folder). Please be aware that this is all very experimental A20 stuff! Thx!

This mod is probably incompatible with anything else that is touching electricity!
Also this mod is not EAC compatible, so you need to turn EAC off!
Should also work for multiplayer, but hasn't been tested that well yet.

Main features

  • Power sources can be connected like every other power item
  • Power can be taken from any upstream power source
  • Prioritize renewable energy before using gasoline
  • Additional grid demand/supply and charge statistics
  • Batteries are all charged/discharged when in a bank
  • Solar power gradually fades in and out at dawn and dusk
  • Decide from which upstream power types to charge batteries

Additional electricity mods

These mods are all additional mods that have been tested with this mod. But they also work on their own. Therefore pick the ones you like and install them additionally to the Electricity Overhaul mod.

* Note: ElectricityLamps mod has some confirmed issues in multiplayer!

Vanilla Map Loading

There is an option to load vanilla maps. If you set this option, we will assume that additional settings for power sources are not in the save file
yet and skip trying to read them from the save files. The values will be initialized with the default settings. And once the save files are written
again, these options will then be included ("upgraded" so to speak). So make sure you only enable this option exactly once, otherwise you may loose your
save files. Probably a good time to make a backup!

Power distribution logic

Distribution of power always starts at a root power source, one that doesn't have any further power source connected upstream. From there
the power is distributed to all local power consumers connected to that power source. Those will then try to take their required power from all connected upstream power sources in the following order:

  • Closest solar power panel
  • Closest generator or battery bank

Note that this logic exposes a few quirks when the required power exceeds the power available. This could of course be further optimized, but it's
questionable if the additional needed CPU power legitimates this.

Undead Legacy Support

This mod is compatible with Undead Legacy out of the box, e.g. no further compatibility patches are needed. But you will need to make sure that
this mod loads after the regular Undead Legacy (UL) mods. You can e.g. accomplish this simply by renaming the folder to `ZElectricityOverhaul`.

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