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AddsMoreSeats A20.6  

Upload: 13 Oct 2022, 16:11
Created by: TimoWolle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.2.0
AddsMoreSeats A20.6

Tested only with A20.6

Just drop this Mod in ur Mods Ordner

This Mods add 1 seat to Bicycle, Mini Motorcycle and the normal Motorcycle. So 2 Persons can sit on it like in real life. 4x4 gain 2 Seats

Motorcycle Speed Torque and Handling Improvement 1KB

Motorcycle Speed Torque and Handling Improvement

22 Sep 2022

Simple modlet that increases the speed of the motorcycle in normal and turbo (shift) mode, increases the torque of the motorcycle to more easily climb hills so you aren't always getting stuck in mountainous regions, and increases the handling to go along with the speed and torque so it is still

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