WARE Weapons Ammo and Resources Extension Mod A20
The WARE mod adds 26 new weapons total, 20 new types of ammo (4 shotgun, 5 new bullets for the snipers, 3 Junk Turret, 4 25mm Rounds & 4 new mini spike ammo), and 17 new resources to find and craft!
Firearms Expansion 4 v1.7
This mod works with 7 days to die A20.6 expanding the game arsenal with 28 new weapons compatible with the already ingame ammunitions, mods, and perks.
Darkness Falls 4.04
Darkness Falls is not an easy mod. The primary intent is to drag out the early game, so it will take you longer than usual to get to Iron and Steel. Several things you are used to being able to make now require classes or perks to be purchased, and night-time is not fun time. The wasteland? Even
Upgraded all ammo (more damage)
Have you noticed that reinforced and armor-piercing cartridges have almost no power value compared to regular ones!? This mod changes the characteristics of all ammo, arrows, ammo for robotic guns, except for missiles.