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Golden Axe III  

Upload: 03 Jul 2022, 06:21
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Golden Axe III
Genre: beat'em up
Players: 2 (co-op)

The third part of the epic. The goal remains the same - to return the Golden Ax, an artifact of incredible power. The game is exciting and beautiful, there are forks. Extra lives can be obtained by freeing captives. There is a powerful joint magic. Basic techniques: B + C - special. reception, B + C + forward - blow forward with a swing, B + back - block, B + down - sweep, C then B + down - special. jump attack. Amazon and Panther have a double jump. Super attacks: Swordsman and Barbarian - describe the cross counterclockwise (right-up-left-down-right) and B + C; Amazon and Panther - right-left-right and B + C.

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A game based on the famous Disney animated series. 18 levels, beautiful graphics, realistic animation, good sound. Plot: It all began in medieval Scotland, where an ancient race of gargoyles is fighting against roving bands of Vikings who unfairly own the Eye of Odin (that same Scandinavian god).

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