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Customizer's Compendium - NPC Options Unlocker v1.0.3  

Upload: 07 Aug 2023, 17:37
Created by: AlanaSP [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.0.3
Customizer's Compendium - NPC Options Unlocker v1.0.3

Enhance your character creation experience with more choices...

^ this is outdated and will be updated soon. ;)

Happy launch, I have done an initial release its still missing some polish and some of the old options from EA but i will be re-adding them shortly.

his mod also included UI edits to remove the error message on using mods, Edits the character creation panel for head options so head mods can be used without the buttons being cut-off as well as including the story fix as well.

If your a mod author you can piggy back off these edits by having this mod as a requirement.

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