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Spicy Wizard v.5-beta  

Upload: 06 Aug 2023, 12:23
Created by: Acleacius [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Spicy Wizard v.5-beta

This was Requested, I haven't had a chance to test it other than loading into the game (i.e. not crashing) and still in Tutorial.

This is an edited Shared.pak file, it changes the Ability cap to 120 (i.e. Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis and Cha) and Skill cap 110.
Also, the Weight Limit has been increased to 4000 (iirc).
This is intended to boost my Wiz, so it's got buffed starting equipment (i.e. Hag Staff, Nightwalkers ....)
Also, Sage History is buffed, so pick it if you want.
Really can't remember what else, this was requested and I'm working on other stuff.
Reports seem to say, you don't get Starting Gear, if you load this mid game.

I command you, do NOT use this unless you, BACKUP your Shared.pak first!  ;D

Fixed Helm issue by removing it - believed to be a bug in game.
Includes v.6 DevilSight and DarkVision
Attempting to scale XP gain to lvl 20 -temp scaling to 65,000

v.6-beta-DevilSight - Optional
Added DevilSight by request.
Tried to make it Passive and extended the Range to 24 for both Dark and Devil

Reduced Darkvision to 20.

Fixed possible weight problem causing large characters and loud footsteps.

Fixed Sage History, again for Human extra Skill.

v.2-beta released
Fixed Sage History buff.

[After you back up your current Shared.pak, don't you dare ignore me damn it!  ;P ]

Install: Goes in your 'WhereEverYouInstalled'/Baldurs Gate 3/Data folder

Uninstall: Delete it, then rename your original, which you backed up cause you would never defy me!

xpcheatmode FullGameReady

xpcheatmode FullGameReady

06 Aug 2023

NOTE; You MUST have another mod to give progressions beyond level 12 othewise= crash. v1.00 max level 20, 1xp perlevel. Alternate versions: (1) Maximum level 12, 1 xp per level (2) Maximum level 12, 20 xp

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