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Divine Curse Framework v1.1.0  

Upload: 01 Nov 2023, 14:29
Created by: LazyIcarus [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Divine Curse Framework v1.1.0

Scripting framework for my Divine Curse series of mods that seek to spice up the gameplay.

Scripting library that will gradually get more content added in.

Current Features

Automatic leveling up/down of Divine Curse accessories to match the visible body level

Appearance overrider that you get after loading a save. It makes automatic changing appearance level compatible with transmog and camp clothing. For example:
- you are wearing stage 4 armor for stats but wearing normal (stage 0) camp clothing
- nets will be at stage 4 since it updates to the armor level, so it'll look too big with the camp clothing visible
- now you can apply an override stage 0 so that the nets automatically update to stage 0 (requires re-equipping something to trigger update)

With 1.5 or above of Remodelled Frame Body, the nude body itself will also be overridden. 

- unzip and copy the `.pak` file to `C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods` as per usual
- activate via the bg3 mod manager as per usual
- install BG3SE (script extender)

Load order is important and is the cause of most problems. Important points:
- utility mods should be above equipment mods
- base mods should be above visual variants
- all mods as a group should be close to the bottom of your load order (so they override others)

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