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Ciri's Clothes v1.0.6  

Upload: 06 Aug 2023, 12:09
Created by: wesslen [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ciri's Clothes v1.0.6

This mod contains Ciri's default appearance clothes from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, converted to Baldur's Gate 3 (minus gloves.) Only compatible with Human, Half-Elf, Elf and Tiefling slim femme bodies.

The fit has been adjusted to the BG3 body and to avoid clipping with most BG3 gloves and boots.

Contains two versions; one with the full set of belts and pouches and one with a more limited set. Both versions exist as camp clothes, body slot items with shirt+pants, and as shirt-only cloak slot items that can be combined with pants from Modular Equipment.

In another "two versions" sense, there is one set of items using the original texture colors, and another which supports armour dyes.

The pants have been extended to avoid gaps when used with BG3 boots, as they are generally shorter than Ciri's boots. This extension isn't seamless, so if you want to use Ciri's pants then I'd recommend either sticking to Ciri's boots or using some of the thigh-high boots from Basket Full of Equipment (SFW/NSFW.)

How To Get
The items can be found in a Cartilaginous Chest in the room next to where Shadowheart is trapped in the tutorial. You can summon a fresh copy of the chest using Tutorial Chest Summoning.

For installation instructions, see the wiki.

Known Issues
The game doesn't load/save some active bonuses correctly. As a result, the Universal Armour AC will not be correct immediately following a load. I've added a workaround to refresh it on each turn or when you are attacked, but there may be some corner case where the AC does not update before an out of combat attack. You can force the AC to refresh by entering and leaving turn based mode or by re-equipping the item.

Huge thanks to CD Projekt Red for making The Witcher 3 and for being generous in allowing use of their assets!
Ciri's clothes meshes and textures are used with explicit permission from CD Projekt Red, but I am not affiliated with CD Projekt Red, nor is this mod.
CD Projekt Red are not responsible for any issues caused by this mod.

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