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Anduril and the One Ring from The Lord of the Rings - FullGameReady  

Upload: 12 Aug 2023, 14:03
Created by: Lykon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Anduril and the One Ring from The Lord of the Rings - FullGameReady

This started as an experiment to add my own custom 3d models to the game. I managed to add and apply shaders to a free Anduril (Aragorn's sword in Return of the King) model I had on my pc. I posted the result on reddit and I was asked to make a mod out of it. 

Why greatsword?
Anduril is a "longsword", however D&D (and Baldur's Gate 3) allows to wield "longswords" with a 1 hand grip (as they're considered Versatile Weapons). This would be incorrect for Anduril, so I decided to implement it as a greatsword. As a result, it ends up being a bit oversized. This can easily be changed by implementing it as a longsword, but it would lead to characters being able to equip it twice or to also use a shield. At the end of the day "greatsword" is just a word. It works as it should mechanically. Added an extra side-mounted rapier because back mount sucks. Rapier should use charisma modifier (like a pact weapon).

Update v1.2.4: it's also true that mods are supposed to give players freeedom, so I added a Versatile version. Have fun :)
Update v1.2.6: fixed for the release version of the game - FullGameReady.
Update v1.2.6.3: fixed animation when using shield (even if you're not supposed to :P). Also added a "finesse" version which has the same stats as the Longsword one, but is side mounted instead of back mounted.
Update 1.3: fixed various bugs, rebalanced for act 1 and act 2, added a "pact" version that uses the Charisma modifier.

Version 1.2
I made 2 versions of Anduril. The first one has a spell to make undead creatures into allies (same as version 1.0, made as a nod to the events in the Paths of the Dead). The new version has instead a skill to frighten evil creatures (fiends, undeads and aberrations) in a big area. It's cool because it does it with a powerful sword swing.

Normally Anduril is as strong as a regular greatsword+4. Additionally, against evil creatures (fiends, undeads and aberrations), it gets advantage on attack roll, plus 1d6 on attack roll and 2d4 of extra Radiant damage. 

The "control undead" was a one time thing in LotR, but I still wanted to reference it somehow. Maybe in the future it can be made conditional to a story event, or can be applied on ghosts instead of undead. For the time being you I just made 2 swords.

The One Ring allows for infinite invisibility and gives +1 to stealth. This is pretty normal and many mods already contain a ring of invisibility, but I've never seen one with the correct icons and a suitable 3d model in "Examine".

They can be bought from the first merchant in the Druid camp. Screenshots show a barrel, but they're not updated (that was in EA)

This mod requires the use of the Full Release Mod Fixer, and can be installed and used via the BG3 Mod Manager:

1. Install the Full Release Mod Fixer as per the instructions on that mods page
2. Run the BG3 Mod Manager
3. Import the .pak file into the Mod Manager. Refresh the list of mods.
4. Drag the mod from the Inactive Column to the Active Column.
5. Save the mod order in the BG3 Mod Manager.
(credits to ltsquigs420 for the instructions)
6. Buy from first merchant in Druid grove. Might need long rest.

Loviatar's Claws 42.0MB

Loviatar's Claws

04 Nov 2023

Legendary boots for those blessed by Loviatar and welcome pain. The boots are tintable and come with a camp version (with no effects). It has very powerful effects, but there are drawbacks. If you have the bg3se (script extender), there are also scripted body modification effect.

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