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VTK FemV - Vanilla HD - Togglable Feet Body and Textures - Plus Resources  

Upload: 19 Apr 2023, 16:31
Created by: xBaebsae [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
VTK FemV - Vanilla HD - Togglable Feet Body and Textures - Plus Resources


Are you tired of V's hideous web-feet and also of constantly having to swap body meshes only to wear heels? This body is high poly, has remodelled feet (which, aside from the naked flat feet, should fit into all shoes already), newly sculpted female private parts and a new HD texture set. It is fully compatible with the new ArchiveXL+EquipmentEx feature to toggle feet!

This mod is compatible with all VTK (V Texture Kit) Textures!

In the Misc files section, fellow modders can find resources to use the feet and private parts on their own bodies if they want.

Optional HD arms and the Cyberarms are compatible with mods made for  Halv's Unique Arms! Please respect that for technical and personal reasons I will not make a UV Framework version. One of the authors has already gotten my permission to include my assets in an optional release on their end if they want it.

As an alternative to the Finer Detail Texture i can recommend to use Ava's Microdetails from this mod

Thankies to Zwei again for awesome previews <3

If you enjoy my work, you can support me on Ko-fi ♥ 


Here is a super awesome Video guide by Hyst and voiced by Zwei 

and its requirements!

Simply copy the contents from inside the .zip file into your Cyberpunk main directory
Vortex is also supported.


Vanilla Body HD - Arms
Vanilla Body HD - Body
Vanilla Body HD - Cyberarms
Vanilla Body HD - Head

NPCs Gone Wild v4.3.2 361 MB

NPCs Gone Wild v4.3.2 NSFW

23 May 2023
3 958

Modifies female NPC bodies, textures, clothing and outfits to be much more revealing. Removes bras, underwear and more. With fully nude strippers, sculpted 3D nipples, vaginas and anus, 4K nude skin texture, breast physics, and varying breast sizes.

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