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Malenia's Helm with Longer Braid 0.2  

Upload: 29 Mar 2022, 11:12
Created by: Lemuroza [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Malenia's Helm with Longer Braid 0.2

Enables use of player hair on Malenia's Helm, and provides a modified version of my Longer Braid mod that won't clip with it.

This was done by editing the regulation.bin.
Making a backup of your save file is advised.

It's more of a test if it's possible than anything else.

Hairstyles other than the included braid will clip through the helmet.

The included hairstyle was modified to work with Malenia's Helm only. That means that any other helmet or lack of it will break it, making the character completely bald.

If you want to modify Malenia's Winged Helmet yourself, then you can do so with Yapped.
Right now the row it's in is: EquipParamProtection->770000.
It may change with each new patch.
If you want to recreate this, you need to get into the 770000 row and replace 1s with 0s next to everything starting with 'Mask'.


  1. Install UXM and unpack the game with it.
  2. Click "Patch" after it's done unpacking.
  3. Make a backup of the files that are going to be replaced, especially your regulation.bin.
  4. Unzip the mod into the main folder (where your eldenring.exe is located.)
  5. Be sure to play offline to avoid potential bans.
Headless Black Knife and Mausoleum Armor 1.9MB

Headless Black Knife and Mausoleum Armor

29 Mar 2022

Since the enemy Black Knife Assassins and Mausoleum Knight are headless, the Tarnished also becomes headless. Equipping Black Knife Hood, Bloodsoaked Tabard, Mausoleum Surcoat and Mausoleum Knight Armor will make the Tarnished headless.

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