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Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix - Legs for Days - 3BBB v3.0  

Upload: 20 Jul 2023, 23:40
Created by: SQr17 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 3.0
Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix - Legs for Days - 3BBB v3.0

A skeleton framework made for use with CBBE-based bodies. Provides adjustments for fixing the long-stand 'Broken Knee' issue, without the need to modify the body or outfit meshes. An optional pack is available for longer legs.

A skeleton framework for CBBE-based bodies that adds additional features and provides fixes.

-Adjusts the Thighs, Knees, and Calves positions to get rid of the long-standing ‘broken knee’ effect with CBBE-based bodies.
-All adjustments are automatically applied to all characters and outfits, without any mesh modifications.
-Adjustments are handled through 'Offset' nodes, without modifying any default skeleton values.
-Mainly tested with the default sneak animation, and now with the New Idles sneak animations.
-Introduces 'COM_Override' node, providing full support for Fallout 4 High Heels System.
-As of v1.1, the skeleton base introduces many more 'offset' nodes for faster and easier customization.
-'Legs For Days' Edition is available, providing true longer legs. Read the dedicated section below for more details.
-v2.0 adds 3BBB support to all main and optional files. Read the 3BBB section below for more details. [Note: 'Miscellaneous' section files are not supported.]

More features will be added and updates will be provided as they become available.

Type variations:
-Type 1: Balanced version. Recommended for CBBE Vanilla preset or similar.
-Type 2: Thighs, Knees, and Calves bend forward even more. Looks better on CBBE Curvy preset or similar, but the legs on male characters may look strange.
You do not need to worry too much over this, either variation will work fine with any presets. And just in case things don't look right with your preset, lower the 'Knee Height' slider in Bodyslide.
-Any: This is a special variation of the knee fix adjustment that can be applied to any vanilla-compatible skeleton (basically any currently available skeletons). All you need to do is install SSF, navigate to its menu using the inventory item, and just select 'Knee Fix Any' from the list.

-Round Bottom Edition: Gets rid of flat-looking bottoms by adjusting the 'butt' bones to provide a slight lift and a fuller look to the characters' bottoms.
-'Rocket' Bottom Edition: Uses similar adjustments to the mod 'No Collapsed Butt'.

-'Girly': These ones will change the leg shapes slightly to adopt a much more feminine stance and reduces the sideways bow-leggedness. It will affect all animations too. Looks especially good in high-heels!
NOTE; if you are already using overly-feminine animations/poses, 'Girly' variants may cause the upper legs or knees to clip into each other.

-Neck-Head Adjustment: This shortens the neck and enlarges the head for a more proportionate look. This is a different adjustment to the old 'neck fix' mod that has been around for a long time. The Neck-Head Adjustment is a big improvement over the old one since it does not crush the neck area and remains looking smooth and natural.
NOTE; certain neck accessories may have minor deformities, but this can be easily fixed by manipulating or removing unneeded weights from the accessory.

'Legs For Days' Edition: A true longer legs skeleton!

Some notes (IMPORTANT);
-The legs are now approximately ~7% longer. But your character won't actually be any taller than usual as the skeleton has been rescaled to vanilla height.
-Vanilla sneak idle animation will have similar issues as when wearing high-heels (right foot floating off the ground). The New Idles animation mod attempts to correct some of these.
-Use Discrete Female Skeleton or Gender-Specific Skeletons if you don't want male characters with long legs. The FOMOD will help you set it up correctly.
-Some compromises and workarounds were made to retain vanilla animation compatibility and to circumvent some CBBE weight issues. The main 'Legs for Days' file is perfectly fine for typical gameplay use.
In some extreme cases (such as using posing mods), you may encounter some hip/pelvis bending weirdness. You can use the 'Poser Pack' to get around these issues BUT note that characters will float off the ground when sneaking (using 'Poser Pack').
-The 'Poser Pack' is essentially the ideal version of the 'Legs for Days' skeletons, with no compromises/workarounds made for compatibility reasons, but as stated before, characters will hover off the ground when sneaking.
-And finally, you may come across misalignment issues using custom animations, etc. If you encounter any, please report them but it's highly unlikely that they would be fixable without starting up some new issue.
These are some of the reasons why this will remain in indefinite BETA.

Now enough talking; go enjoy some beautiful legs!

CBBE Supported

3BBB Overview;
- 3BBB bones are now added to support CBBE and TWB 3BBB bodies.
- 3 breasts and butt bones for softer and greatly improved physics.
- Thigh physics bones (front and rear).
NOTE: This is NOT compatible with bodies that rely on ZaZ -Extended-Skeleton (ZeX) such as Fusion Girl, as the skeleton structure is quite different.

3BBB Supported Bodies;
3BBB Physics (CBBE - TWB)
Atomic Beauty and IKAROS Android Race

Installation and usage:
-Just install the FOMOD with your mod manager. Remember to select the 'DFS' option in the FOMOD if you use Discrete Female Skeleton.

- This mod is likely fully compatible with True Wasteland Body (TWB) as well.
- This is not compatible with any mods that edit the main skeleton file ('Skeleton.nif').
- Also, please do not try to use this directly with mods requiring the ZaZ-Extended-Skeleton, such as BodyTalk or Fusion Girl. You can use the guide in the article section to create your own compatible version or use either Discrete Female Skeleton or Gender-Specific Skeletons.
- This is also fully compatible with CBPOCBP and OCBPC physics mods when playing with CBBE/TWB.

- Since Fallout 4 shares the same skeleton between the genders, any edit to it is applied to both male and female characters. Even though this affects male characters, the adjustments are subtle enough that you won't see any issues. Use either Discrete Female Skeleton or Gender-Specific Skeletons to get around this completely.
- It is possible that this will not fix the knee issue completely due to the many possible body/leg shape in CBBE. Try both variants and lower the knees using the 'Knee Height' slider in Bodyslide. Recommended for CBBE Curvy and similar presets.
- Due to the nature of the fix, you come across custom animations where leg/calf alignment may not look ideal.
- The 3BBB support in this mod is vastly different and incompatible with the one provided with ZaZ-Extended Skeleton.

This mod does not support genital bones therefore, it is not fully optimized for adult mods and will likely never be. This mod is primarily meant to enhance the vanilla gameplay aesthetics such as knee fixes, better physics, and more.

If you find any issues, please report them.

Additional Credits
Massive kudos to Maxie for their work on SAM and the SAM-compatible Skeletal Adjustments skeleton.

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