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Madam M - Nude  

Upload: 03 Apr 2023, 14:20
Created by: MemoryH [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Madam M - Nude

I always questioned why this particular character never received a nude mod until now, and it's due to all the technical difficulties associated with this model.
It took several change of hands to get this thing working, and even more just to fix it, but at last, it's finally in working order.

This mod uses a body template made by Aerosmith. Their work is greatly appreciated.

This mod changes:
- Madam M [Standard]
- Madam M [Low-poly]

An addon is included to restore the belly wrap.

An .FBX file and texture files are also included for anyone interested in making their own Madam M mod.

- Amish Chocolate
- FantasyRaiderr
- Kazumashirou
- Normalgamer22
- Aerosmith

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