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Bibo+ v2.1.1  

Upload: 17 Apr 2023, 14:27
Created by: Illy Does Things [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 2.1.1
Bibo+ v2.1.1

A New Generation Body Type for Female Base Characters & sister body of TBSE for men. Please refer to the preview/reference photos to choose your preferred options.

Bibo+ features full asymmetry via a mirrored UV which allows easy transfer of users favorite scales, tattoos, and body options. This body replacement includes Bibo shaped top & bottom, all new hands & feet, 8 chest sizes, 3 butt sizes, 3 labia options, 6 pubic hair options and 2 brand new skin textures, Default & Smooth. Download contains NSFW version, SFW version & Modder Resources. This model is in quads. To access quadrified mesh, morphs for "Thin Leg" style & more use the Dev Kit.

(Note -> As of 3/21/23 a windows update may occasionally falsely flag the download & fail virus check for some users. If encountered, download via google drive, other dl links, or adjust windows defender settings. Files are safe.)

Bibo+ 2.0 Contains:
â–«Small, Medium, Large, XL Default Chest Sizes.
â–«Small, Medium, Large, XL Pushup Chest Sizes.
â–«Small, Medium, Large, XL Leg Sizes.
â–«3 Pubic Shape Variants
â–«Hand & Feet with Nail Embeds
â–«Built in TitanFirm Gen3 Compatibility Texures.
â–«Various Skin Options including Default, Smooth & Buff Skins.
â–«Optional Pubic Hair With 6 Styles.
â–«Inclusive Depigmentation on Player Hands & Feet.
â–«Custom _bibo & _bibopube material path to prevent over installs with other bodies.

How to install:

Step 1 - Install "Bibo+ 2.0" Via the Wizard

Step 2 - Navigate the wizard and select all the options you wish to have installed.

Step 3 - Check the optionals tab for any additional content such as Scaleless Au Ra.

Primary File or Link:

Bibo_.rar : [ via Modsfire ]

Other Files and Links:

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