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Happy Hogwarts (Room of Requirement BGM swap)  

Upload: 27 Feb 2023, 19:06
Created by: andybodandy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Happy Hogwarts (Room of Requirement BGM swap)

Swaps out the goofy Room of Requirement theme with a much more nostalgic one from the older games people grew up playing.

Due to length limitations, I had to edit Happy Hogwarts & Hogwarts Neutral down into a single looping 1 min 45 sec file. Would've liked to add longer sections, or change it to not loop 24/7, but for now this straightforward replacement will suffice.

Here's a video preview of the game with the mod installed:

There is also an alternate version of the mod available that uses the original VST versions of the tracks (as opposed to the orchestral remakes found in Chamber of Secrets), in case anyone prefers that version. For reference: this is what the Orchestral versions sound like, while this is what the earlier VST versions sound like.

1. Navigate to the "Paks" folder from the game directory: "..\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks"
2. If it doesn't already exist, create a "~mods" folder in the "Paks" folder.
3. Put the "z_HappyHogwartsMod_P.pak" file into the "~mods" folder. That's it.

Not compatible with any other mods altering the Room of Requirement's BGM in any way.

And thanks to everyone in the several HL modding discords for providing the helpful groundwork on how to properly convert and repackage these audio files!

Silence 2.0 61KB

Silence 2.0

04 Mar 2023

Removes the most annoying and repetitive voicelines from the player, floo lady and deeks during exploration, combat or flying.

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