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Cat Ears - Rawww  

Upload: 26 Feb 2023, 10:41
Created by: nosioce [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cat Ears - Rawww

Why always the Solar Protection Goggles? . . . FINE HERE, HAVE FUN GRINDING FOR THOES THEN! But for real, it's not as easy to replace other glasses and would just take too much time to edit compared to just moving the mod files out of the game files when you don't want to use them anymore. I just want to make it clear that modding is not just simple copying and pasting random files into the games folder. 

So, nonetheless, crying my poor heart out, here is the actual mod description:

Mass-produced toy cat ears from Zonko's - their selling price dependent on their colorway. (
The mod however is 100% free of charge)

Collect them all and gain the chance to win a ticket to Azkaban!  (the last sentence is not true and there is most defenetly no price to win - please do not contact us and ask for the winner - the linked email isn't active lmao - but if you still ... weißt du was, keine Lust weiter auf Englisch zu schreiben lmao. Wenn das hier jemand liest, schreibt mir doch eine lustige Nachricht auf Discord. Nosioce#3070. Aber jetzt mal nur so unter uns - vegane Chicken Nuggets schmecken schon verdammt ähnlich nach toter Tier Fleisch, oder? ... oder?)

Hey hey hey nosioce, why cant you replace a hat with the ears so i can use glasses?
Well, you want to be bald or what? - mby swapping them for gloves would work better, but that's for another day.

Please note that the mod uses chunk 142 - so please do not complain that the mod does not work with another mod that uses the same chunk. 


(textures may also not load when you are using different mods with high priority)

I'm still open for requests to replace a certain asset but please keep in mind that not every asset is built the same way and may be more complicated to edit than others.

Funny looking zip file, but where do i put it?

1. Unpack zip.
2. drag the folders content into:
steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods

Still can't figure out how to get the mod to work? Welp, write a comment and hope for help

And always keep the following in mind: “Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure.”

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  1. s
    smalltownwickedclown [Users]
    10 March 2024 00:02

    What does it replace? you mention the solar protection goggles but i see no change added to them.