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Improved Beasts  

Upload: 19 Feb 2023, 11:58
Created by: ruisudev [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Improved Beasts
If combining this mod with other mods which modify the PhoenixShipData file, I recommend using my tool Transfiguration to merge any DB changes.

This mod significantly improves the Beasts feature, by changing multiple things including:

  • Decreasing ALL beasts harvesting time by 50%.
  • All creatures can be captured.
  • Beasts sell value have been changed to reflect their rarity.
  • All beast byproduct yield increased to 3.
  • 29 max species slots, and 99 max slots in each vivarium.
  • Feeder and toy box conjuration amount increased to 10.
  • All non-vanilla Beasts byproducts also reflect their species, such as birds producing feathers, etc.
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