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Better Broom Control 1.1.0  

Upload: 14 Feb 2023, 23:01
Created by: Iridium IO [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Better Broom Control 1.1.0

Replaces the default flying controls when using a controller, mainly by swapping the vertical flight control from the right joystick to the left. Removes the weird "180" flip behaviour your character does when you move the left joystick up and down.

In essence, all movement is now done with the left joystick and the right joystick controls the camera only.
The triggers are still used to accelerate / boost. These have been left untouched.

This control scheme is very similar to the flying from Chamber of Secrets and Prizoner of Azkaban on the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube (but less janky)


  1. Download .zip file.
  2. Extract modfile into your ~mods folder (Should be in HogwartsLegacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/~mods). If the ~mods folder does not exist, create it.

Note: This will invert your default vertical flight controls. You can simply turn on invert flight controls (I know, confusing) in the game settings to solve this :)

Unlock All Spells v1.2 1.7MB

Unlock All Spells v1.2

03 Jun 2023
1 184

The "Unlock All Spells" mod for Hogwarts Legacy is an exciting addition to the game that allows players to fully explore and experience the spells of the world of Hogwarts legacy early on.

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