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Customizable Camera  

Upload: 22 Feb 2023, 17:28
Created by: YouYouTheBoxx [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Customizable Camera
Please be aware that this mod affect offset of all cameras that cannot be changed due the nature of the game itself using default "universal" camera offset when inside building or small areas.Also, it's a mod request (not an idea of mine) that will not forcibly fit for everyoneI Will not tolerate anybody that uses my script and just modifies it a bit for reupload. You can do it for yourself and your friends but never RE-UPLOAD others work without permission.

To install it, download the requirement RE-UE4SS and choose to download the xinput version (the other one will not work), then extract the zip inside
"Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Binaries/Win64/". When you've done this, just extract my zip in the same folder.

Be aware that this will replace the current mods.txt found inside mods folder of RE-UE4RSS so if you're using other mods with this modloader: backup your mods.txt file and add the line "TestCameraOffset : 1"  before "; Built-in keybinds, do not move up!"

To unistall it, remove either the whole RE-UE4SS modloader or just my mod inside mods folder called "TestCameraOffset".
As some peoples requested
if you want another keybind, look inside mods/TestCameraOffset/main.lua and ther y
ou can change all "key." by the ones you want. (e.g key.NUM_EIGHT -> key.P). I'm finding another way of enabling you to change keybinds in-game.
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