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Replace Animated Paintings With Lewd Animations  

Upload: 19 Feb 2023, 12:48
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Replace Animated Paintings With Lewd Animations

Now "animated" portraits in Hogwarts Legacy will give you completely new content. The modification replaces most of the pictures in the game with high-quality obscene animations with different content. New paintings can be found throughout Hogwarts.

Installation: unzip the archive to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\\Phoenix\Content\Movies\Atlas

Erotic Paintings mod 362.08MB

Erotic Paintings mod NSFW

27 Feb 2023
22 273

Only paintings in RoR. They do show up in places throughout castle. Most none nude, doing erotic stuff. If you a booty lover, you will like this one. Gifs are well made, they have smooth seamless transitions. As best as I could.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. G
    Guest [Guests]
    26 February 2024 08:30

    Whats the sauce of the animations from?

  2. b
    best [Guests]
    23 June 2023 17:30

    Can im ask what nude body u used on the first screenshot?

  3. R
    Raidtron [Users]
    14 March 2023 08:47

    Need an update please

  4. D
    Defenestrated [Guests]
    3 March 2023 11:03

    Need more animations

  5. D
    Derhaler [Guests]
    28 February 2023 21:29

    Great work, thanks!

  6. H
    Habibi [Guests]
    24 February 2023 14:31

    whats more impressing on this is the fact that the character has a gun instead of a wand lmao.