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Default Spell Color Changer  

Upload: 18 Jun 2023, 13:55
Created by: Nitros [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Default Spell Color Changer

I am aware there are some effects that still have a hint of the default red.

Choose which color you want by modifing the main.lua. Your choices are blue, green, purple, yellow, orange, pink, white, red.
For example if you want green modify the chosenColor to show as

local chosenColor = "green"

Requires UE4SS -

To install unpack the zip you downloaded, copy the folder to the UE4SS mods folder at the Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\Mods location

The directory structure should be as follows
Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\Mods\WandColorChanger\Scripts\main.lua

Keep the enabled.txt file in the WandColorChanger folder so the mod is loaded.

To uninstall remove the WandColorChanger folder from your Mods folder.

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