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Control spell duration increased to 30 seconds  

Upload: 27 Feb 2023, 12:59
Created by: NeoK182 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Control spell duration increased to 30 seconds

A simple mod made possible thanks to Transfiguration editor to increase the durations of the 4 control spells Arresto, Glacius, Levioso, Transformation to 30 seconds.

There are a couple other mods on nexus already that increase them to 5 minutes and a 10x increase but personally I felt both of those were just a little bit too long. Great for catching beasts but a little OP in combat. So went and made a 30 second option which for me personally is just perfect.

No cooldown changes or anything else, just the duration.

As this mod modified the sql database you must use the mod merger to combine with similar mods:

My first ever mod for HL so please let me know if there are any issues but in my testing everything seemed to work just fine. Remember that some enemies are immune to CC so this mod won't do anything to help there. 

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