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The Real Guns v1.1  

Upload: 27 Feb 2023, 19:46
Created by: Rexiii [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.1
The Real Guns v1.1
New game updates can trying rebalance weapon system. So if installed mod and after game update mod not work, just reinstall mod

 My idea is rebalance guns to very powerfull weapons. No sponges, No 10secs TTK, No kiss range for melee attack, Big NO for slow melee attacks.
Mod not about just damage numbers, its about gameplay

What changed
Melee weapons:

  • all melee weapons now is more faster
  • all melee weapons now have bigger range of attack. ~two steps to target
  • charge attacks with full mods even quicker and stronger. 
  • Damage multipliers adjusted
  • Pashtet now is katana, yes-yes


  • PM faster fire rate, bigger magazine
  • Electra is super fast, damage increased


  • AK-47 fire rate increased, damage is lowered for balance, but DPS damage at all increased
  • Rocket launcher with bigger magazine by default, faster reload and faster aiming sight
  • KS-23 increased damage, harder recoil, larger magazine

I didnt change weapon mods, only base stats. I recommend to play with hardest difficulty.

Mod have two options:

  • 1.5x Damage modifier. Vanilla friendly 
  • 2-4x Damage modifier. Ultra violence)0

The only difference between versions is damage, other stats is same 

Mod is balanced? -Yes, in some sense

1.Be sure u have backup of file WeaponsAttributes.json
2.Drop mod in Atomic Heart\AtomicHeart\Content\GameTune with overwrite

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