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Tereshex Bots  

Upload: 27 Mar 2023, 17:01
Created by: TheAncientOne [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Tereshex Bots

Some slight remodeling to those Tereshkova fembots hanging around. A bit more human-like facial features because who doesn't love uncanny sh*t like that...
Just about noticeable upgrades to body shape. Get rid of the skirt to show what's underneath.

Comes in two flavours; with and without metal eyebrows.

Go to game install folder. In steam, right click game in library -> manage -> browse local files
Go to \AtomicHeart\Content\Paks\ and create a ~mods folder if needed
Extract the file to ~mods folder.

Only use one version of the mod at a time!

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