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Counter-Strike: Opposing Force 
[Coming Soon]

Upload: 09 Jul 2023, 10:38
Created by: Black Mesa Inc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Counter-Strike: Opposing Force

The name, Counter-Strike: Opposing Force evolved up as an idea earlier this year and eventually became a pack for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. I first showcased it on Youtube a few months ago but I wasn't going to work for a release. It was just straight out gameplay. Then it got lots of views and a tremendous request for a release had begun. I started working on it after that as a result.

I am no animator, mapper or anything. I have a bit of general knowledge but I haven't done anything myself before. So I took help from various modders from all over Gamebanana (Chiabi Hamaru, LIL-PIF, MTB, X-Ray are on top of that list). But I also took some other submissions into the mod because I had no other choice (Which are maps, playermodels and some weapon skins). So, this modification pack has been kinda gathered from all over Gamebanana and made into one big pack. But we also modified it ourselves. Therefore, the credits list will be a long one for this pack. Although we couldn't get permissions for all of them mainly due to lack of communication. If you're one of those modders that has an asset/submission in this pack, please contact me and we'll see how you want your material to be used(or not used). I would gladly remove your asset if you don't want it resubmitted through here. Please pardon me for this.

Counter-Strike: Opposing Force features or is going to feature:

- Half-Life themed maps
- Playermodels in both HD and LD quality ( H.E.C.U. vs Black Ops)
- Hostage models (Scientists)
- New weapons (Tried to follow the timeline of 1995-2003, but there will be some inconsistencies)
- Custom mission packs with new maps (for each faction)
- New HUD and images
- New sounds (But there won't be many as I aim to give a feeling of the good old Half-Life)

We won't include amxx mods because we want it to be freely and safely played online.

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