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Rachel Alucard Enchantress  

Upload: 12 Jul 2022, 18:57
Created by: Azaraxis [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Rachel Alucard Enchantress

A skin based off of Blazblue's Rachel Alucard and her assortment of minions.

Unfortunately right now this is only available for color slot 01 but I will update the mod once I can get it to work on all slots in the future.

Just download and extract the files and drop it in your mods folder.

This took a while to make so I hope you enjoy! :) 

GG EZ for Grappler

GG EZ for Grappler

14 Jul 2022

Replaces the inscription on the board Grappler shoves into the ground to something more appropriate for the game and the audience.

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