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Fatal Frame 5 Remaster 2x by Jupisoft  

Upload: 08 Sep 2023, 09:28
Created by: Jupisoft [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Fatal Frame 5 Remaster 2x by Jupisoft

This mod replaces all the game DDS textures with ones converted at 2x resolution with Topaz Gigapixel AI. The rest of files from each GMPK file remain intact, only the G1T were updated.

This mod replaces all the game DDS textures with ones converted at 2x resolution with Topaz Gigapixel AI. The rest of files from each GMPK file remain intact, only the G1T were updated. And from all the DDS textures all the normal maps (DDS textures with a pink or purple hue and medium alpha values that are used to give depth to game objects) and cube maps (DDS textures with the same texture repeated on 5 sides and rotated on each one) are ignored, so they are the original ones to avoid errors or crashes in game.

The mod is splitted in 5 parts to install more easily only the parts you really want. These are the 5 types of GMPK models:

- Ghosts
- Humans
- Items
- Records
- Stages

Note: after some feedback on another forum it seems that the stages might soft lock or freeze the game on some parts, so be aware of that with 5th part.

To install any of the 5 parts, first locate your game path, and there you'll find under "...\binary\character" and "...\binary\stage" all the same folders each of the 5 parts contains. So first make a backup of all your original GMPK files, since those will be the only ones modified by my mod, and then just extract the contents of each of the first 4 parts on the "character" folder and replace everything there. For the stages (5th part) go to the folder "stage" and do the same as before, replace all existing GMPK files. Of course keep the game closed while installing the mods. Once you're done start it to see how it works for you. But remember that if might need quite a lot of RAM and VRAM to work properly, only that I don't know how many is needed.
If you still have any doubts feel free to get in touch with me, here are my contacts:

Discord: Jupisoft#8920

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