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Yae Miko Multi Toggle Series 1 

Upload: 01 Dec 2023, 18:17
Created by: Lewd_Lad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Yae Miko Multi Toggle Series 1

We've made a mod with 144 variants shared among 4 seperate toggles, but it only covers a tiny fraction of all the potential variants we make... which is to say, we'll probably make even more Yae Miko (and Bride and Swimsuit) Multi Toggles - but this will be the first of them.

This particular variant allows us to toggle between the Top, the bottom front, the bottom side/back and the panties. Now that I look through them, the swimsuit bottoms weren't included, which is my bad, but that would've made the mod files even more ridiculously oversized, so... oh well!


Press '6' (or Xbox Left Shoulder + Y) to toggle the Top

Press 'Y' (or Xbox Left Shoulder + X) to toggle the Bottom Fronts

Press 'H' (or Xbox Left Shoulder + A) to toggle the Bottom Sides/Back

Press 'N' (or Xbox Left Shoulder + Dpad Down) to toggle the Panties

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