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Ayaka in Hyoukai Sonata Exposed & Custom Hair  

Upload: 26 Feb 2023, 17:54
Created by: LewdLad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ayaka in Hyoukai Sonata Exposed & Custom Hair

Ayaka looking resplendent in Yae's HI3 Hyoukai Sonata outfit!

Big thanks to Hazrate Golabi for the initial work on this mod (using the body I made publically available for modders). I took it and modified it further to get better movement from the skirt (a lot trickier than expected), but also included my custom hair sculpt on it!

Golden Muscles Dehya

Golden Muscles Dehya NSFW

18 Apr 2024

This one has been a while coming... I've had a variety of requests over time to return to Dehya, and I've been meaning to - but the problem is I made Dehya about a year ago, and she was the impetus for a lot of system improvements we've made to the way we author mods - but she herself was never

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