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Saber Lancer Alter Jean  

Upload: 07 Jun 2023, 21:45
Created by: Cybertron231 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Saber Lancer Alter Jean

Jean's got a new outfit!


This has been the longest mod for me to create in a long while! Not only did I import all the characters, apply a .ini for a unique way to go through the outfits, but I also created a custom outfit for a bonus phase!

Lots of time went into this, so I'd appreciate it if you like. On top of that, if this mod gets more than 50 likes a bonus version will appear!

What are the phases?
The base phase is my custom outfit! It has unique clothing and the armor is lighter, and in fewer places.
The first phase can be two different outfits. The original is with the full armor and the helmet. The alternate version doesn't have the helmet, and instead has a lot of armor plating on both arms!
The second phase removes a lot of the armor and the dress thing, including the helmet. The chestplate is still there!
The third phase adds a tail, removes the chestplate to be the most revealing outfit!

How do I switch between them?
To switch to phase one, simply press P! Afterwards, you need to use your burst to go through the next phases. To return back to incognito mode, press P again! When in this mode, the burst will not change Jean's outfit.

You can also use the mod toggle script after downloading the mods separately to combine them the way you want! (Note this will break the first phase with the helmet).

Aloy Half Nude

Aloy Half Nude NSFW

16 Jun 2023
2 299

My first mod. I didn't find any half nudes of Aloy with proportions similar to her original, so I tried making one. I also removed her freckles.

Itto Jockstrap

Itto Jockstrap NSFW

01 Aug 2023
1 241

This is a mod for Itto based on Derek Kingsfield from Blits' Studios upcoming game "Jock Studio"! You can use the "5" key to toggle between Itto's in-game tattoo style and Derek's football tattoo styles. Maybe I'll make an extra NSFW variant in the future x3

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