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Snow Oni Beidou  

Upload: 11 Jun 2023, 13:39
Created by: Phantom Modder [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Snow Oni Beidou

As a GB exclusive, I intend to release this little gem with a simple toggle: shaved, and an unshaved version with bigger areola. This will be the final iteration of this mod - no support, no additional modification requests, and no future updates planned at this time.

That said! I WILL be adding these options to the main CRIMSON ONI BEIDOU mod I have available thru the links in the embedded mod page, including a version where the shaved toggle ALSO gets the bikini toggles as well. The code involved is a beast, and since the bushy normal skin version was a particular request, it will not get toggles in either version. In all, a huge win since I don't usually make additions to mods at all, but this idea was too good to pass up, so enjoy!

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