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Yae Miko Alter  

Upload: 11 Jun 2023, 19:51
Created by: Anilyan [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Yae Miko Alter

This Yae Miko is an adaptation (simplified) of Dishwasher1910 fanart, that you can find here.

There are 4 variations and a merged one (toggle with P), so pick which one you prefer. The titles are descriptive enough.

You can also get 2 versions for makeup. One is that common makeup that many mods use, the other is a version that I made. 
- They are not included in the merge or in the files because that would mean too many combinations for me to make, so instead just download the file with the version you prefer and drag them into the mod folder (or folders in the case of the merge) to replace the default. 
- I've also included the default in case you want to go back.
Thanks to Brainless Hero for the first makeup and for the idea ^^

Updated some things I missed in the textures! (thanks to Brainless Hero again) + adorable gradient in the ears also made by them.

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