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Timeline v1.1.0  

Upload: 17 Nov 2023, 19:08
Created by: joan6694 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Timeline v1.1.0

Timeline is an animation plugin where you can... well animate stuff.


It works like this: on the left of the main window, you'll see a list of "Interpolables". An "Interpolable" is "something that can be interpolated" (changed over time). So, for example, you'll be able to find a "GuideObject Position" interpolable that can be used to change the position of a GuideObject during your animation. The actual animation part is done through things called "keyframes" (if you're not new to animations, then you should probably know what this is). A keyframe is an object that holds a certain value of an interpolable at a certain time (they're the red diamonds on the picture above). In any case, here is a (non-exhaustive) list of what it can interpolate out of the box:

  • Camera position/rotation/fov
  • Object position/rotation/scale
  • Object color/specular color/metallic/smoothness
  • Light on/off/color/strength/range/angle
  • Compatible with HSPE
  • Compatible with RendererEditor
  • Compatible with NodesConstraints

The plugin contains an in game help panel, so make sure to read that fully before starting anything.


  • Illusion Plugin Architecture
  • HSExtSave
  • A fully updated game with the latest patch (6/30 patch, under "Game Updates"). This is not necessary if you're using the Fakku version with the Extended DLC.
HSPE v2.12.0 194 KB

HSPE v2.12.0

17 Nov 2023

This mod adds an alternative interface for posing a character with IK including some cool features. However, the true strength lies in the Advanced Mode which is basically FK on steroids.

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