Timeline v1.1.0
Timeline is an animation plugin where you can... well animate stuff.
It works like this: on the left of the main window, you'll see a list of "Interpolables". An "Interpolable" is "something that can be interpolated" (changed over time). So, for example, you'll be able to find a "GuideObject Position" interpolable that can be used to change the position of a GuideObject during your animation. The actual animation part is done through things called "keyframes" (if you're not new to animations, then you should probably know what this is). A keyframe is an object that holds a certain value of an interpolable at a certain time (they're the red diamonds on the picture above). In any case, here is a (non-exhaustive) list of what it can interpolate out of the box:
- Camera position/rotation/fov
- Object position/rotation/scale
- Object color/specular color/metallic/smoothness
- Light on/off/color/strength/range/angle
- Compatible with HSPE
- Compatible with RendererEditor
- Compatible with NodesConstraints
The plugin contains an in game help panel, so make sure to read that fully before starting anything.
- Illusion Plugin Architecture
- HSExtSave
- A fully updated game with the latest patch (6/30 patch, under "Game Updates"). This is not necessary if you're using the Fakku version with the Extended DLC.