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Power Pack Framework  

Upload: 20 Oct 2022, 13:20
Created by: Camdog74 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Power Pack Framework

If you get an error, go to the mod menu and recompile the mod.

  • Create character powers from a template which is fully documented
  • Use the skin selector to add skins to your people
  • Access a list of example powers to learn the process of power creation
  • Allows you to use a power menu to turn powers on and off as well as switch them
  • Allows you to use any of the example powers and or modify them
Functioning Armor

Functioning Armor

25 Oct 2022
1 210

No need for any property changing, all you need to do is drag the armor to a bodypart. Armor can be applied to anything living. This means that (if your gonna make a mod with my code) you can make gorse armor.

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