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Realistic Helicopter v2  

Upload: 20 Oct 2022, 14:03
Created by: Tom [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Realistic Helicopter v2

Realistic Helicopter v2

It's just the V1 but non destructible and non laggy !!

Some stuff about it:
-its a attack helicopter ;
-the helicopter can be controlled ;
-2 fire modes (single fire and barrage) ;
-some hotkeys are added for convenience ;

-I -start helicopter
-O -steer Up
-P -steer Down
-J -fire single
-K - fire barrage

(NEW: Active Human!) quaqPack

(NEW: Active Human!) quaqPack

20 Oct 2022

Currently, this mod revolves almost entirely around a new addition in the "Entities" section, a mod for the regular version of a human. The "smart" version of a human has a sense of self-preservation and will run away from danger.

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