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Skittle's Syringe Mod (1.9+)  

Upload: 20 Oct 2022, 16:20
Created by: Skittles [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Skittle's Syringe Mod (1.9+)

Updates out whenever I feel like making more

Syringes Included
Zombie Virus Cure
Blood Coagulant (added to vanilla)
Ghost Syringe
Blood Syringe
Gorseblood Syringe
Oil Syringe
Amputation Syringe
Pain Syringe
Pain Killer Syringe (zooi I swear to god)
Water breathing Syringe (smh zooi also added in vanilla smh my head)
Improved Knockout Syringe
Improved Knockout Antidote
Suffocation Syringe
Temperature Immunity Syringe
Invincibility Syringe
Tritium Syringe
Exotic Liquid Syringe

Cry Of Fear Mod

Cry Of Fear Mod

16 Nov 2023

A funny little retexture incuding cry of fear related items. The mod is not very complete but I still decided to upload it.

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