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[MOD] Object Editor  

Upload: 19 Oct 2022, 16:29
Created by: morzz1c [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[MOD] Object Editor
This mod allows you to edit the variables of the object's components, remove and add components.

Available types for editing:

  • string,
  • bool,
  • int,
  • float,
  • Color,
  • Vector3,
  • Vector2,
  • Cartridge.

You can use this mod as a modding tool or as a fun tool.

The game will only be able to save the position, rotation, scale and serializable variables.

Note! All variable-editing-buttons are generated by the mod, some of them may not work, because not all readable variables are editable.

Help with entering values:

string: enter the string. Example: Hello, world! bool: enter "True" or "False". Example: True int: enter an integer number. Example: 25 float: enter a floating point number. Example: 25.5 Color: use a color picker. Vector3: enter three floating point numbers separated by commas: "X(float), Y(float), Z(float)". Example: -2, 5.5, 1 Vector2: enter two floating point numbers separated by commas: "X(float), Y(float)". Example: -2, 5.5 Cartridge: enter "Damage(float); Recoil(float); ImpactForce(float); StartSpeed(float); PenetrationRandomAngleMultiplier(float)". Example: 1; 1; 1; 100; 0.1
[MOD] Water Physics

[MOD] Water Physics

25 Oct 2022
1 822

1. Just go to any map with water (Hybrid, Sea, Substructure) 2. Select water quality - Very Low, Low, Medium, High (affects performance)

Power Pack Framework

Power Pack Framework

20 Oct 2022

Create character powers from a template which is fully documented Use the skin selector to add skins to your people Access a list of example powers to learn the process of power creation

Military Truck

Military Truck

20 Oct 2022

This mod add a new UNIQUE vehicle to the game! Use this vehicle along with a tank or something else in your war scenarios!

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