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REFramework v1.549  

Upload: 03 Aug 2023, 12:09
Created by: praydog [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
REFramework v1.549

This version is only for SF6. If you want the builds of REFramework that work with the other RE Engine games, then go to the main repository.

Lua scripting system is disabled in online matches.

For up-to-date information, head to the GitHub page.
Reporting a bug

For information on the scripting and plugin API, check out the wiki
For examples of what the scripting system can do, check out the Example scripts and the many mods for Monster Hunter Rise making use of REFramework.

To install, simply extract dinput8.dll from the zip file into your SF6 game install folder.

Installing the upscaler branch is similar, but when you install
"UpscalerBasePlugin", extract the "PDPerfPlugin.dll" out of the folder
inside the zip file, and do not extract the folder itself. Make sure you
also follow the instructions on UpscalerBasePlugin's page about
installing your preferred upscaler DLLs.
Once the upscaler branch is successfully installed, its settings can be found under "TemporalUpscaler" in the REFramework menu.

Scripts can be installed in the "reframework/autorun" folder.
Plugins can be installed in the "reframework/plugins" folder. Loose DLL files
with no REF functionality can be loaded in here too.

The menu can be toggled with the "Insert" key. The key can be changed under "Configuration".

This page may not be updated frequently. Use the GitHub page as an always up-to-date resource.

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