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Juri Outfit 02 Nude Natural  

Upload: 03 Aug 2023, 18:09
Created by: SweetFluff3D [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Juri Outfit 02 Nude Natural

Removes Juri's biker outfit on her Outfit 02.

Online Safe and World Tour Compatible
1.0.0 Initial Release:
- Removes Juri's biker clothing, with 6 option for with and without pubic hair, and without and without her eye patch.
- Adds additional texture details to the breasts.
- Adds extra mesh detail to her lower anatomy.
- Increases breast jiggle physics for all 6 costumes.

Her breast size is the same as they are on her official model, so they are not changed.

REFramework v1.549 4.0MB

REFramework v1.549

03 Aug 2023

Modding tool/framework with a powerful scripting API using Lua Comes with ReShade crash fix, FreeCam, Timescale, FOV, Ultrawide, VR, and tools for script/mod developers

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