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Full Nude Mod v0.6  

Upload: 27 Aug 2023, 20:24
Created by: mercury_D [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

full nude mod of Sully/Tio/Renne/Noel Seeker/Musse/Elie/Rixia/Emma/General Le Guin

+Include some clothing transfers from DOA.

with body texture and mesh created by @holden_mcclure,

also thanks to @amorrow28 for providing the tutorials and tools that made these mods possible.



put the *.pkg file in "game\data\asset\D3D11".
*Make sure to backup the original file before replacing it.

The previous C_CHR105_C81.pkg must be deleted as it causes character shading issues.

Here is the list you can use to search for the custom I replaced.

Tio New Swim Reverie

Tio New Swim Reverie

27 Aug 2023

This is a swimsuit for Tio. Overall I enjoy the swimsuits that come in the SSS swimsuit DLC package (well worth your money), and I appreciate that Tio's swimsuit is based on her swimsuit in Azure... but I didn't like it. So here is an alternate!

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