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Reverie DLC Check  

Upload: 27 Aug 2023, 20:30
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Reverie DLC Check

A small cheat engine table to disable the DLC check that stops you from using a DLC if you don't already have the character in your party.  Also a bonus cheat to allow you to reuse a DLC that you have already used.

This is a very niche thing, that not many people will need.  Still, I thought I'd share it, because I think it will be helpful as more DLC mods come out.  Some DLCs group by theme instead of by character, and this will allow you to activate the DLC even if you haven't gotten all the characters you need to activate the DLC.

Instructions to patch your hnk.exe file directly instead of using cheat engine, for folks who want this permanently enabled: (at least until the next game update)  Note that this patch is identical to the cheat table, you only need one.

  • Find 74 5C BA BC 88 00 00 (in 1.0.6, it should be at Offset 0x207810) and change to EB 5C BA BC 88 00 00 to disable DLC character check.
  • Find 0F 83 86 00 00 00 BA (in 1.0.6, it should be at Offset 0x207741) and change to E9 87 00 00 00 90 BA to disable already used DLC check.
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