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Reverie Purchase Override  

Upload: 27 Aug 2023, 20:38
Created by: amorrow28 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Reverie Purchase Override

Is there a costume you want, but you can't find it in the game?  Here is a cheat for Trails into Reverie that lets you override purchases - buy anything you want for the price of a tear balm!

NOTE: New upload as of 7/22/23, updated for Reverie v1.0.5 (upload fixed).

NOTETurn off the cheat after purchasing. The game engine (probably) uses the same instruction to buy items and unequip items! (Actually you can use this cheat to get items by unequipping if you are not near a store but of course you will lose what you unequip - at least this worked in Hajimari, but the code is very different in Reverie so I would appreciate if someone would test this.)

This has been tested on Trails into Reverie NISA v1.0.5.

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