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Unlimited Flaws  

Upload: 16 Jul 2023, 17:40
Created by: bythetwinmoons [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Unlimited Flaws

Have you ever wanted your Outer Worlds character to be a little more flawed and clumsy to be more believable? This is where the Unlimited Flaws mod from Bythetwinmoons comes to the rescue. It allows the player to have as many flaws as there are in the game.

It adds a unique new level of difficulty beyond what is commonly found in video games. Instead of just boosting damage, creating more hostile environments, and making enemies stronger, it allows the characters' own flaws to complicate gameplay.

Update: Added a version that makes the cool down timer 1 instead of 2700. I don't know what the unit is but this effectively takes the cool down away so you can get one flaw after another.

Place the pak file in your Paks folder - The Outer Worlds\Indiana\Content\Paks

Supernova Patch v3.0 25KB

Supernova Patch v3.0

16 Jul 2023

Supernova is the highest difficulty level in The Outer Worlds. In addition to the fact that the enemies become more merciless. It ups the ante by hindering the player in several ways, including save limits and fast travel.

Neutral LUT

Neutral LUT

16 Jul 2023

This is where the Neutral LUT reshade comes in, adding a more neutral color tone, as well as making shadowed areas more visible for the player's convenience.

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