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Decal Loader v1.1.2  

Upload: 31 Aug 2022, 16:01
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Put any images files you want in %LOCALAPPDATA%Low\Volcanoid\Volcanoids\PersistentModData\Decal-Loader

They will load and be usable in game. They all appear in the "Modded" category.

(You can also put asset bundles here. All Texture2D within will be available in a category named after the bundle.)

8bit Shooting

8bit Shooting

31 Aug 2022

- Do you want to bring a little bit of music into your game? - Maybe even team up with your crew, where somebody plays revolver, shotgun and next SMG.

Captain Takeoff

Captain Takeoff

31 Aug 2022

- Everyone wants to reach the stars! Even The Captain! - Especially when being locked in the sub all the time.

Drillship T3 Turret Modules 16 MB

Drillship T3 Turret Modules

31 Aug 2022
1 001

Since the COG attacks are constant and relentless, new defensive measures must come to place. The mod contains three new T3 turret modules, to help defend your Drillship and all precious cargo it carries.

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