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Achievements [XCL] [0.18a] 1.1.0  

Upload: 29 Sep 2023, 03:40
Created by: datdude69 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Achievements [XCL] [0.18a] 1.1.0

UPDATE for 0.18a: New save file STRONGLY recommended; some achievements have their conditions changed and will not display if carried over from a 0.17a save file. If you carry over a 0.17a save, there may be errors; please report them in the mod bug reports and I'll try and fix what I can.

Adds an achievement system and menu to X-Change Life, as well as support for mod achievements!

Achievements are unlocked in the background as you progress through the game normally. Any achievements you unlock will be presented at the end of the day, as well as any rewards you might have earned for your efforts. Some achievements are hidden -- you'll just have to try and find them by playing the game in new ways! All visible achievements can be completed in the same save, if you're willing to grind. Achievements persist between save files; if you don't have them all, try restarting the game and playing in a new style! Additionally, the tip jar at the mall offers hints on some rarer achievements. Lastly, notifications (if enabled) will always occur the first time you unlock an achievement in a given save file, so you're never missing out on a reward from any achievements.

Future plans include more achievements, and better unlock notifications (instead of at the end-of-day).

Installation: Use the modloader to add the Achievement Mod zip file to your game.

Files included; all are recommended for the full list of achievements unless your mods are incompatible.

- achievement-js.js; required.
- achievements-engine.twee; required

- passage tags.twee: Required. In preparation for the upcoming 0.18a update, I've backported some passage tags to this version of the mod. This will allow for a much faster update when the next version of the game is available, without impacting compatibility of functionality now.
- base-pack-01.js; Contains achievements which should be compatible with all currently available mods.
- base-pack-01-triggers.twee; Implements the code for achievements which should be universally compatible.
- base-pack-02.js; Contains achievements which might be incompatible with other mods currently, but will be in future versions of the game.
- base-pack-02-triggers.twee; Implements the code for achievements which might not be universally compatible, but will be more compatible later on.

- story-pack.js: Contains achievements which are embedded in story scenes. These are unlikely to be converted to passage tags.

- story-pack-triggers.twee: Contains implementations for story achievements.

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