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Palworld Pelt Armor Nude Torso 

Upload: 09 Mar 2024, 08:33
Created by: Lewd_Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Palworld Pelt Armor Nude Torso


Today we have more Pelt Armor variants! This is the last of the basic variants before we more onto sexier bikini and bikini armor variants!

At last, the nude torso variant! We've kept just enough that you can hang on to your gear but we've stripped down all the stuff blocking the important bits! Feast your eyes upon this!


This mod needs one of the base nude mods found here


Copy and paste into your game directory as follows:


On steam, you can right-click the game > Manage > Browse Local Files to find your game directory easily

Make this folder if not available.

For gamepass, you'll have to google how to mod Palworld.


Unreal Engine Mods load in alphabetical order - so check to make sure that this mod loads after other mods that might replace the cloth armor (like the Nude Body replacer).

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